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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Support of Little League Baseball Urged by San Francisco Seals Scout

Support of Little League Baseball will reap rich rewards in curbing juvenile delinquency and providing future players for high school teams.
So said Al Fioresi, chief scout of the San Francisco Seals, in a talk Tuesday evening before the Native Sons First Annual Baseball Banquet.
"Put time into the Little Leaguers—it doesn't take much effort. And the thing you would be doing for the town would be tremendous and your high school coach would have a wealth of material." The speaker declared.
In line with supporting the national sport, Fioresi advised parents not to interfere with the coaching of promising young players. Many parents have over protected their youngsters on the baseball diamond, the speaker said, and ruined their chances of succeeding in the big leagues.

"Get your kid interested in baseball and then let him alone. Let the coach worry about him."

Fioresi cited the case of a high school graduate signed by a major ball club who could not escape the influence of his father. The latter would carry his son's equipment to the ball park and advise him how to play. "Other players kidded the youngster so much about this that he soon quit."

God attitude and character and "hustle" rank in importance with ability in making a good ball player.

"We don't have the time to make a gentleman as well as a good player out of a rookie," Fioresi declared.

Paying attention to the coach, having a sincere desire to play the game, avoiding being a "fancy dan who tries on handed catches and makes easy plays look difficult and good personal habits, are the qualities a scout seeks in a rookie, the speaker said.

"Don't be a dog who won't try. That puts you behind the eight ball and nobody wants you."

A college education is important for a ball player who eventually is too old for the game and must enter some other field, Fioresi advised the young men at the banquet.

The banquet honored the high school baseball team and its coach, Doug Pederson.

Elge Mastrangelo was the master of ceremonies. Harry Said, Enos Bettencourt and Jess Telles, presidents of the 20-30, Lions and Rotary Clubs, respectively, were introduced. Members of the three service organizations were guests.

Al Aragona, Native Sons president, gave the welcoming address. Carlyle Loftin, high school principal, and Robert Thiercof, chairman of the Los Banos Baseball Clinic, spoke briefly.

Senior baseball players introduced were John Reno, Joe Gargano, Gary Beck, Frank Borge, Keith Wheeler and Oscar Reno, who was not present. They will be awarded gold baseball charms.

June 3, 1955

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