Banos Rotary Club History
Scout Troop 85 Conducts Program
Members of Boy Scout Troop 85, which is sponsored in Los Banos by the Rotary Club, presented a special Court of Honor and Tenderfoot Investure program at Henry Miller School cafeteria Tuesday evening, with a large group of Scouts parents, friends and members of the Rotary Club attending.
Following a tasty spaghetti and Italian sausage diner, prepared by a staff of Rotary chefs and served by the Scouts, the Scouts opened their program with a Salute to the Flag by Manuel Ochoa, senior patrol leader, Scoutmaster Marvin Jones, with the assistance of Assistant Scoutmaster Art Edwards and Troop Quartermaster Wesley Jones, opened the Court of Honor and conducted the impressive Tenderfoot Investiure, with parents of the seven initiate Scouts pinning the Tenderfoot badge on the lapels of their sons. The new Tenderfoots are Jeff Wiley, Tommy Koster, Roy Cornelius, Sandy Vickers, Lester Williams, Wayne DePriest and James DePriest.
Ralph Wheeler, Troop Advancement chairman presented Second Class badges in two Scouts, Manuel Ochoa and Frank Sigarroa, and Dr. Kenneth Propst, Rotary representative to the Troop, presented service stars to Ochoa, Sigarroa, Bobby Oetken, Tommy Kaljian, Dean Keller, George Frazer and Larry Wheeler.
The ceremonies closed with Troop Treasurer Frank Orr conducting the installation of new Troop officers, which include Senior Patrol Leader Manuel Ochoa, Parol Leaders Sandy Vickers and Tommy Kaljian, Scribe Bobby Oetken, Treasurer Dean Kelley, Quartermaster Frank Sigarroa, Bugler Sandy Vickers and Assistant Patrol Leaders Jeff Wiley and George Frazer. Scoutmaster Jones, with the assistance of several Scouts, officiated in the special candle-lighted closing ceremonies.
Rex Ingersoll, Scout Executive of the Yosemite Council, Modesto, concluded the evening program with a few brief remarks anent Scouting. Comparing the ideals of Scouting with Rotary, Ingersoll said the two organizations have much in common, both based on a program of service to others, to development, of good citizenship; and fostering of International goodwill and brotherhood.
Ingersoll complimented the Rotary group for their interest in the Scout Troop and pointed out that effort and money spent in fostering youth programs such as Scouting pays off financially in reduced costs of law enforcement and jails.
Charles Kaljian, past president of Rotary, presided at the dinner as substitute for "Silent Ken" Anderson, who is recouperating from a recent throat operation that has temporarily reduced his talking ability to a mere whisper.
February 26, 1954