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Los Banos Rotary Club History
Red Cross Drive Now Underway

Volunteer workers of this community Thursday began the job of collecting Red Cross contributions for the 1949 fund Mack D. Wheat, drive chairman, officially opened the campaign at the Rotary Club dinner Tuesday evening, as he announced plans for the drive and appointed 32 workers to designated routes within the city limits. Additional workers are already soliciting the rural area and the drive is expected to be completed within a few days.

Pointing out that the combined budget for the Los Banos-Dos Palos Chapter is only $3,500.00. Wheat expressed confidence that the drive can be completed within ten days; provided all workers cover their territory immediately. Wheat said that in addition to the personal canvass of the business district, Rotary Anns and other lady volunteers of the city would be called upon in the closing days of the campaign to maintain contribution headquarters at the banks and post office as in former years.

In announcing the drive, W. H. Sloan, Los Banos Red Cross chairman, also paid high compliment to Joseph A. Enos, fund chairman for the past seven years and commended him for a job well done.

Workers named to handle the city collection are: Thos. Kaljian, J. R. Cerini, F. E. Buck, Cecil Arthur, Marshall Jose, S. M. Russell, Joe Silva, Tony D. Toscano, Charles Alden, Oscar Brereton, Paul Morbes, Carl Hultgren, R. M. Miano, Ralph Cargile, L. J. Spindt, Gene Pappani, W. N. Galloway, George Ingham, T. A. Paradiso, Ernest Toscano, O. R. Zentner, William McCandless, Jack Pfitzer, W. H. Sloan, P. R. Roberts, William Woo, Gilbert Elliott, Frank Arburua and Albert Gastambide.

Jerome Cyr was appointed to assist and coordinate all town teams, and Jack Duarte was given the same job with the country routes.

March 8, 1949

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