Banos Rotary Club History
Merrell Wins Free Style Event
Here s one brief instant of the fast action that marked the Los Banos Invitational Swim Meet at the Community Swimming Pool recently. It is the finish of the 50-yard free style final, for boys 16 and under. Don Merrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelt Merrell of Los Banos, won the event in a split second victory over Leo Diaz of Merced. Of the two boys at the finish line, Merrell is closest to camera.
Standing immediately above Merrell is C. W. Bates, one of three members of the Rotary Club who served as timekeepers. High School Principal Carlyle Loftin, who served as starter, is also at the finish line, as is Coordinator Joe J. Silva (with hands to eyes). At Silva's left is Coach Sischo of Merced, and Rotarian Edmund Enos, who served as one of the three judges.
July 29, 1955