Banos Rotary Club History
Merced Publisher Tells of Recent Rotary Convention
Dean Lesher, publisher of the Merced Sun-Star and retiring president of the Merced Rotary Club, Tuesday noon gave local Rotarians a thumb nail sketch of the recent Rotary International Convention in Mexico City, and of his impressions of the city itself.
By comparison with previous Rotary International conventions in this country, Lesher said the convention this year was noted more for its entertainment and vacation spirit rather than for actual business accomplished. Business sessions were short, as were the message of the convention speakers, and delegates had ample time to see and enjoy the many interesting places in Mexico City.
In an especially interesting description of the city and country, Lesher said he was most impressed by the large amount of commercial and residential building underway in the city, and in the fast increasing amount of manufacturing that is being established there, a good portion of which is being financed by U.S. capital.
In rural Mexico, however, farming is still very primitive and most of the work is done by mules and oxen. Lesher said he saw only one farm tractor working in the areas he visited. Although the country is one of extreme riches and extreme poverty, he said the government is gradually raising the standard of living, particularly in the larger communities, is providing a form of social security and governmental medicine, and is becoming interested in the welfare of the country as a whole.
He commended Mexico City as a delightful vacation spot, saying the climate was perfect, the food and accommodations excellent if chosen with care, and the people very friendly. Surprising to most of his listeners was the statement that over 50,000 Americans are now making their permanent home in Mexico City alone.
Commenting briefly on his home city of Merced and Merced county as a whole, Lesher said a number of new businesses are being established in the city and county, and he predicted an even greater influx of new people and new industries than has marked the county's development in the record breaking period of the last ten years. With this increasing development, he emphasized, it is doubly important that all communities and the entire county work closely together for their common benefit and prosperity.
June 20, 1952