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Gearhart Speaks At Local Clubs

U. S. Congressman B. W. "Bud" Gearhart Tuesday noon gave members of the Los Banos Rotary Club a concise report on the activities and accomplishments of the much maligned 80th Congressional session, and former sessions as far as they concerned the up-building of California and the San Joaquin valley.

Of world affairs, Gearhart pointed to the United Nations as a beacon of light and hope for the world today, and stated that though it is hindered and handicapped by compromises, it is remarkable in that it does represent agreement by world powers on matters of common concern.

The greatest need, Gearhart said, is for a worldwide free press among all nations, wherein any person may see and report in print that which he sees. Such freedom, the speaker emphasized, would perform miracles in eliminating suspicion and misunderstanding among all peoples and be a most potent factor in assuring permanent peace.

Gearhart believes that the United Nations will endure and become more influential with the years, and that it is our ultimate hope for permanent peace.
Concerning our own valley, Gearhart discounted rumors that the United States was lessening or discontinuing its financial support of the Central Valley Project, and pointed out that the last session of Congress appropriated not less but more money than any preceding congress for further work on the project. Some 350 million has now been spent on western water rights, Gearhart stated, and he anticipates that the figure will approach a billion dollars before final completion.

Such expenditures, Gearhart said, will be well justified by the fact that this area is now experiencing the greatest migration of people in the history of the world, and that thousands of acres of irrigable land will be required to establish a firm and solid foundation for these people.

This country's first responsibility, Gearhart said, is to see that the farmer is successful, and he pointed out that 85 per cent of the money coming into this valley comes first through the farmers' pockets. Today, the farmers of the San Joaquin valley have the greatest annual income of any area in the world.
Commenting on the much-discussed 160-acre limitation law, Gearhart said he was not particularly concerned about the law, because it will not have much effect one way or the other "The big fellows," he said, "are making money now without gravity flow of water, and they will continue to make money under the same conditions."

Gearhart is opposed to the limitation law, however, because he feels that it would compel the small farmer to do all the paying, and the large farmer would reap the benefits without cost. The age-old law of economics, he stated, will automatically reduce large holdings into smaller farms of whatever size proves economically feasible.

Further, he stated, the 160-acre law hinges on Communism in that the government denies to the individual the right of individual enterprise and virtually says to the 160-acre farmer: "You must not grow."

Concluding, he praised the work of the Un-American Activities Committee and expressed his belief that further work by this committee will result in driving out of high government positions many men whose beliefs and interests have been proven opposed to our democratic way of life.

The Congressman was introduced by Judge D. Oliver Germino, who paid high tribute to Gearhart's ability and qualifications as the representative of this district at Washington, D. C.

Congressman Gearhart was also guest speaker at the Lions Club Tuesday evening.

October 22, 1948

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