Banos Rotary Club History
Banks Will Address Local Rotary Club
Harvey O. Banks, director of the State Department of Water Resources, will address the local Rotary Club next Tuesday noon, speaking on the proposed San Luis Project and related water problems of the state.
His appearance here has been made possible through Charles Kaljian, president of the San Luis Project, and ardent worker in behalf of the proposed project. Because of the vital interest of the director's message, the luncheon will be open to the public and all farmers and businessmen interested are invited to attend. Reservations should be made in advance by contacting Rotary President C. W. Bates, at the Central California Irrigation District office.
Banks, a graduate of Syracuse University and with a Master of Science degree from Stanford, has been with the Division of Water Resources since February, 1938, except for the World War II years when he was in the service and four years as a private engineering consultant.
He was named Acting State Engineer in 1955 and became State Engineer in January 1956. He was named to his present post in July, 1956, when the new water authority was established for the administration and development of California's water resources.
October 24, 1958