Banos Rotary Club History
Attend Convention
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Galloway, A. P. Machado, Charles Alden, Louie Castellucci and Wm. Woo returned home from Santa Barbara Tuesday night, after attending the annual Rotary convention and playing a few games of golf. Woo headed the local delegation as president of the Los Banos Rotary Club.
Alden, who was salmon fishing with a group of local friends at San Francisco Sunday, flew to Santa Barbara that night and returned home with the other by car.
The quartet, who were traveling in Machado's new Cadillac relate that enroute home they were stopped by police officers three times at road blocks set up between San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles. The officers, who were seeking a young man wanted for shooting a policeman, released Machado and his group each time after a quick look at the telltale age-wrinkles and gray hairs showed that none of the foursome could qualify as a "young" man.
April 25, 1952